Tajma Phillips

Tajma’s passion project with Restore Corps is RENEW: “It’s been a humbling experience to be graced with the task of implementing a new initiative that creates a safe space where individuals can process and challenge harmful beliefs that are often formed in our heads and hearts after experiencing trauma, as well as promote the development of resilience and coping mechanisms.”

Tajma’s desire to help survivors is evident in every aspect of her work, and her joy in working with her coworkers is equally evident. Like many of her coworkers, she loved Staff Retreat. She discovered new aspects of coworkers’ personalities during their games, which can be “both concerning and HILARIOUS.”

Tajma’s always working tirelessly to support, uplift, and advocate for survivors, but when not working, she can be found doing some sort of DIY or improvement project around the house. She loves learning new skills, repurposing things, and adding beauty to her space on a budget.